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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Elizabeth Kirke, author of the More than Magic series

Elizabeth Kirke, author of More than Magic: Semester Aboard and Snow Bound.

Her page on Facebook can be found here: More than Magic on Facebook

While still being a fairly new author (her first book was released almost a year ago), Elizabeth Kirke has gained immense popularity with her More than Magic series. Her Facebook page is maintained by her personally, which is refreshing.  This allows her to engage her readers and “Likers” on a daily basis.

The above post is very recent (posted today) and shows just how interested this author is in engaging her readers and followers.  She is openly letting people know that she loves to chat with people and is interested in hearing their thoughts and opinions.  This is something that is an emerging trend with Indie authors.  While a lot of them have Admins for their pages, they are still engaged in conversation with people while they’re online.  From personal experience, I can tell you that this author is very personable.  This was one of the reasons that I have followed her page so closely since reading her first book.

(I apologize if the images are small.  I have yet to figure out how to adjust their size without flowing over the sides of the blog)

As far as consistency goes, she updates her page on a regular basis.  Whether it’s a post about her books or just a fun picture, she’s present and accounted for on a daily basis. This is yet another endearing quality to her page.  When a page has no activity, people tend to forget about its existence and move on.  This is, unfortunately, due to the times.  In order to keep your readers engaged and interacting, you have to be willing to update on a regular basis.  This author does that, and then some.  

This author also makes a point of making sure that her readers are kept up-to-date with what is happening in the More than Magic world.  There are contests posted, competitions that her books/characters are involved in, and polls that readers can vote on concerning her series and upcoming books.  These posts are straight forward in nature and give her readers all of the information that they would need to stay informed. 

In my opinion, I have found that this Facebook page has accomplished exactly what the author intended it to do.  It is informative, fun, engaging, and personable.  The consistency of updates keeps the readers coming back, and possibly bookmarking her page. 

While this assignment was meant to focus on an author’s Facebook page alone, I felt the need to include other information as well.  Her blog, which is shared numerous times on her page, is also updated frequently.  This allows the author to expand her reach in both forums.  Blogs and Facebook pages are integral parts of utilizing social media and this author has succeeded in accomplishing her marketing goals. 

I think the only thing that could be improved on would be the inclusion of the author’s bio on the page.  The Facebook page is titled after her book series, which could limit the author’s reach if she was to expand outside of this particular series.  Creating a second page would be an option, but her reach would not be as large as it would be with one, single page.  

(Please keep in mind that this is part of an assignment for school.  I do not make it a habit to critique the Facebook pages of other authors.  If you have any questions about this post, please don't hesitate to email me at  Thank you!)


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